Corrupt Justice In Canada

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Human Rights Complaint

Human Rights

Human Rights Complaint
My name is Larry (Lawrence ) Le Francois. I am married with three children and five grandchildren. I am the President of Advanced Industrial Group in Prince George a company that sells and services equipment such as air compressors and generators to major industry throughout BC. I do not belong to any organizations other than Prince George Chamber of Commerce or The Royal Canadian Legion. I have belonged to others such as Toastmasters International but certainly no subversive groups except perhaps briefly the conservative party of CanadaJTheir ridiculous stance or preoccupation with homosexual marriage disappointed me when we had so many other important issues to deal with. I strongly believe in every ones right to freedom of choice, freedom from oppression, bigotry and state sponsored terrorism.
I believe the government of the day, Crown and the Judiciary itself has based on my race, culture and beliefs set out to do not do only financial harm but physical harm to the point of nearly causing my death of several occasions. They have denied my family; my children and my wife basic security of person along with the same to my business.
I recently and am still recovering from a blockage in my heart where I would be dead if not for my own body making a temporary bypass to allow blood flow before as Northerner gained access to a medical procedure to determine the exact extent of my condition. The court has kept me at the threat of imprisonment at the courthouse when my blood pressure has been of over 200 not for a criminal matter but a application to the court. I have repeatedly brought in doctors notes from different doctors and the court has repeatedly ignored those notes stating the doctors are only hearing one side of the story. There is only one side of the story when it comes to medical expertise and it is not the courts. The court has none. I believe I have been in court while suffering a heart attack after been held in custody overnight and denied counsel, denied my regular prescribed medications and denied access to a telephone to call for help. Denied access to counsel by Judge O’Byrne and the sheriff department. More details on that later. My current trial is for an application for a five year prohibition on owning firearms and the destruction of my firearms. My firearms were legally transferred to my wife’s possession and released to her. This process is in its fifth year and the next hearing is in fact after the five year start of this denial of due process. Crown has spent more than half a million dollars with perjured testimony from their witness’s to accomplish what? As the firearms are in my wife’s possession legally the only thing Crown is accomplishing is preventing me from hunting, hurting myself financially and hurting myself physically in the courtroom. And costing the taxpayers I estimate in the end 10 to 20 million dollars. The judge at trial complains why cannot I be like everyone else but will not discuss what that exactly means? So who am I. My family has a long history of serving in the military except for this last generation. My daughters were sexually assaulted by a RCMP officer, their father threatened with a beating for bringing this to the RCMP attention and in court they (children) were portrayed and blamed for the assault because they “asked for it”. They at the age of 7, 9 and 11 were so seductive they invited the assault. This gross miscarriage of justice has affected all of them into adulthood. My youngest saw myself arrested for being late for court, thrown in jail, repeated denied counsel. Denied my medication and horrified at my condition the next day while I tried to defend myself in court after a heart attack. (I did not know about diabetics “silent heart attack” at trial again as Northerner access to health care is slow). She swore at seeing such bigotry never to return to Canada and joined the US Coast Guard. She is part of “North America’s” Homeland security but she never experienced any security here in Canada instead being portrayed at seven years of age a harlot and responsible for her own sexual assault. My father fought in the Korean War, his only desire in his last years was to go hunting with his son as he could not hunt on his own. He was denied this for three years until his death because of the bigotry of Crown, the Courts and the RCMP. My grandfather lied about his age so he could go fight in the First World War and he fought in the Second World War. The documents can be found on the Le Francois Geni Site. Our genealogy goes back to the very first settlers of the New World. My grandfather was Abraham Martin, co-founder of the Hudson Bay Company. He was North America’s first sailor and his farm was situated on the Plains of Abraham where the French and English fought. My mother’s side were also among the first to come to Canada. Through those two sides I am related to every Francophone Prime Minister, Governor General we have had most other Francophone politicians. Between my two bloodlines we are related to virtually the majority of Francophones in this country. We are related to EVERY American president. My grandfathers in Europe included William the Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy. Charlemagne King of the Franks and Emperor of Rome and our cousins are from many other royal houses in Britain, Netherlands and Denmark. Does this make me special? No. Does this make me better than my neighbour or a new immigrant to Canada? No. But it does guarantee I will tolerate bigotry against myself, my children or my grandchildren regardless how much money the Government is prepared to spend in this disgusting example of bigots running a democracy where literally thousands of my relatives died defending what they thought was something worth dying for. The only thing that differentiates myself from “being like other people is my name” which means in old world French Le Francois (The French) and I suppose the refusal to accept government, police and judicial brutality against the people of this country and in particular my race and culture. It is not part of Francophone culture not to stand as idle cowards and accept brutality of any regime including our own. Torture is torture whether it’s in North Korea or in Prince George. Culturally perhaps others can turn off their moral compass when it’s convenient. I as do the majority of my ancestor’s do not. This complaint encompasses many people, departments’, agencies and organizations but I will demonstrate a clear pattern of bigotry, criminal acts and what I believe are hate crimes along with Crimes against Humanity.
I will work backwards in time starting with the application hearing still in process that has come close to ending my life and or leaving myself as a vegetable on many occasions. These details have all been given to the Chief Judge of this Province who has taken the position that the judiciary has done no wrong, no harm or broke any of its rules of conduct. I can trace my family’s history back to Plato’s time, hundreds of year before Christ when men knew absolute power corrupts absolutely and men or organizations should therefore NEVER be left to govern themselves, to hold themselves accountable or there would be NO ACCOUNTABILITY. I will argue the greatest human rights violation has been allowing Canadians rights to be continually be violated by allowing these people to self-govern and therefore not accept any responsibility. This system if left unchecked can very well lead to my death and I can guarantee no one will be held responsible as there is no checks and balances in a system that allows no accountability. The Chief Justice is allowed to not answer the charges against one of their own directly and simply states they find no fault. It is a cheap trick to escape the issue, does not it require a high degree of intelligence and is used frequently by people who know their actions will NOT be look upon independently. By those who are not self-serving and looking at the issues independently and without bias or prejudice. An example of this can be found at
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A copy of this Human Rights complaint will be uploaded to the site ( as will all additional information as time allows.
Human Rights Violations by the Judiciary

Judge Walker

Judge Walker has been handling the application to destroy my firearms of which I own none and a firearms restriction for a period not exceeding five years of which this period will be exceeded before the next hearing date.
Her greatest violation and I believe this easily meets the definition of a hate crime and I also believe meets the definition of torture and therefore Crimes Against Humanity is her insistence even though she demanded REPEATED doctors notes over many years but she continued to allow the sheriffs to harass and intimidate myself every day before trial and every lunch hour, knowing full well it raised my blood pressure beyond the critical point. She continually refused to allow me to subpoena the department to give evidence on why they were doing what they were doing and in fact had ex parte hearings in that regard but even before that when I complained they were literally singling me out and searching me in front of my physical neighbours where I live I had no right to complain, it was none of my business and it was
my fault and I deserved it. I suppose much in the same way it was my children’s fault for their sexual molestation. All with no explanation. The sheriffs if I simply entered the court to make an application would surround me at the counter physically search me, berate me and force me to remove my shoes so they could check for I suppose a shoe bomb. All I wanted was an explanation as some sheriffs were telling me the reason for this was their own personal reasons. That speaks volumes of bigotry. They would strip search me several times a day even if attending a hearing for my wife whose business was burned down by another business. My health has deteriorated to the point I cannot support my wife in this issue and she is forced to do a Supreme Court Action on her own with no experience as I am not permitted any access to the court house without being humiliated and degraded. I have been demonized without due process with the explanation it is none of my business. Bigotry. Yet I shop in the same stores as Shirley Bond the Solicitor General and Attorney General. Somehow although shopping alone she manages not be harassed, threatened or otherwise approached by the Francophone demon of Prince George. She attends the same business functions as I do again unescorted and still remains unmolested, yet her Sheriffs also single out my daughters for search without explanation as it is none of their business. The same daughters who have been repeatedly molested and in some cases raped by “Peace Officers”. Pat Bell the other MLA was unfortunately paired with myself and my wife for a Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament and despite myself being “armed” with many clubs of mass destruction he also survived 18 holes of Golf. I did not discuss my issues with him at the time as I would have considered it ill mannered to take advantage of a situation of which he had no control. He did suffer somewhat from some of the other golfers over the HST issue at the time. Most of it in good humour.
It is also very apparent that every time I am to give testimony the sheriff’s actions become violent to the point I have been physically attacked and ejected from the court house. However to get back to Judge Walker during a day again where my blood pressure was well beyond 200 and twenty points over the limit the American Heart Association says to call 911 immediately, she forces me to remain in court and physically go down to the Justice of the Peace Office and make an appointment for another court date. I argued that it was impossible for me to do that as the JP needed both the Judges Appointment schedule and the prosecutors schedule and I was critically ill. The JP does not care what my schedule is. It is undisputable that keeping me in the court house to stand in line for an impossible task that could accomplish nothing was nothing more an assault on my person to do as much physical harm as possible. And when I finally got into the JP office and the JP phoned the judge and they had their long discussion on how it was impossible to set an schedule the judge again insisted I return again knowing full well I would be subjected to another search by the sheriffs and my blood pressure would again spike I suppose hopefully in her mind to the point I suffered a heart attack or stroke. The court transcripts will clearly show this both my argument and we have been doing this for five years so clearly I know they cannot set a time, the judge knows they cannot set a time and the prosecutor who is also insisting I remain knows a time cannot be set until the JP first clears a date with the judge, then Crown . Now add to this that in five years the judge has refused to rule on the perjured testimony by the witness’s. Refused discovery to cover up misconduct and perjury. Refused to allow me to finish cross examination of perjury. Refused every and for that matter ANY witness I may wish to call in five years. Held ex parte hearing to my determent in regards to sheriffs ejecting myself from the courtroom and taking only one side. I would argue that given her complete and utter disregard for due process and not allowing myself to make full answer and defense, her complete disregard to my repeated doctors notes. And as she puts it she will simply file away my applications in regards to Breaches of the Charter and Rights rather than hear them in court. In other words my “kind” have no rights. Given all this and the deliberate and repeated attacks on my health and its clear affects I would argue this amount’s to torture. I see no difference if a judge had the sheriffs hold me so they could pound on my kidneys or they set up a situation they know drives my blood pressure to the point that it kills my kidneys. No difference if they repeatedly strike me in the head or cause a stroke by their actions by repeatedly ignoring my doctors recommendations. I have already suffered a heart attack in court and this judge is determined to cause another. International Criminal Court (ICC) would be appropriate in these set of circumstances.
Sets the next court date for 0930 in the morning when two separate doctors have asked to have the hearings in the afternoon after my blood pressure has had a chance to settle and I can have a couple of beers to relax before the sheriffs start their humiliation and degradation. However I will be asking the Sheriff department because of their human rights violation to come forward to this board to prove why their actions are not based on racism but on some factual basis. Why they repeatedly denied my right to counsel based on some legal precedence other than racism and why they slammed me against a wall and grabbed my penis with such force I bled internally for over a year and how this is covered under the sheriff act of BC and not based on racism. All I have asked for in five years is to put one of these people on the stand to justify their actions and all I have heard is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and I want to know how that is not based on racism.Walker has asked why I cannot be like other people but she will not discuss it. I have no idea what she means. Does she mean I should allow my daughters to be raped and assaulted and not complain? Humiliated and degraded and not complain. Does she mean I should I allow the same for my wife. Does she mean I should allow the same for myself. Does she mean I should be like the German people of the forties and love the father land as they torture, murder and rape. I have no idea but Francophones in this country are not like the Germans in the forties and they are not willing to see citizens in Prince George murdered, tortured and accept despite a 10 million dollar Judge Braidwood enquiry that there is no such thing as excited delirum as an excuse for death by taser. Francophones will not accept that it is normal protocol to punch and kick a man who is handcuffed and hot tied, then have two men sit on him so he cannot breath and repeatedly taser a helpless individual who is restrained so he is no danger to himself or others until dead. That is not normal procedure in any culture except the RCMP, Government of BC and Federal Government of Canada in their statement of defense of such a practice in regards to the Wiley death or murder. No 10 million enquiry for him as it part of government policy. Francophones see this as torture for nothing more than the amusement of the RCMP and the sick morally bankrupt, cowards in government defending such revolting behaviour. I have written to the Premier and Attorney General long before my legal troubles on this issue but all this did was put a target on my back for a corrupt system looking to silence its detractors.Walker refused my request to subpoena the head of the Sheriff department in regards to their ongoing attacks against me. None of my business. has had ex parte hearing with the Sheriff department in which I am denied any cross examination and they can say what they please with no supporting evidence or fear of cross examination.though a fire arms application is simply an application and there is no penalty such as jail time, I have been repeatedly threatened with jail time if I do not choose to remain despite my blood pressure readings or show up to court despite my readings in the morning. And jail to me has shown a francophone is not entitled to counsel, not entitled to medical attention or his medications to prevent a heart attack. He is not entitled to have his blood sugar monitored despite being a diabetic or a diabetic meal and in fact in my case no meal at all. But that is another complaint coming up. The main point here is I am forced to choose between death in jail or death in the court room for an firearms application for which I have no firearms. This is a hate crime giving a person the choice of death in the court room and or in prison. It is a form of torture. I have repeatedly asked her to recuse herself because of her bigotry and the harm is causing me, her lies and deception. She has repeatedly refused. Only escalating the issue to cause more physical harm. It is revolting to repeatedly put at risk by such an obvious bigot with no avenue of putting a stop to it. Crime against Humanity. The very thought of being put in that no win situation over again without due process itself drives my blood pressure over the limit simply writing this letter. My doctor tells me as the Judge and Chief Judge office continues to put myself at risk to simply call 911 while in court when my blood pressure goes over the limit to fully document the physical abuse.a fire arms application can be based on hearsay evidence (partly as there is no threat of jail time) a person is normally entitled to call and subpoena witness’s. Judge Walker has repeatedly allowed hearsay evidence, third party evidence and I have not been allowed to call those people for cross examination.has allowed hearsay evidence in regards to a dispute with a Mr. Tran. She has allowed evidence into the hearing but refused to allow me to call Mr. Tran. Her excuse is she does not want to bring into her court a matter that was heard in civil court by Judge Chamberlist. What about my right to give full answer and defence. That is thrown in the garbage so is possible misconduct by Judge Chamberlist and this can be kept silent. Mr. Tran without any doubt perpetrated fraud in regards to my wife’s insurance claim. From a fire that destroyed her business, from a blaze starting in an adjoining building owned by her landlord. As I tried to take this matter to Supreme Court I was repeatedly strip searched during the day by the sheriff department as a matter of routine to interfere with my right to give evidence in this matter. We lost our house trying to recover from my wife’s business loss due to the fraudulent actions of the insurance company and its agents. The RCMP refused to investigate as well (as per its repeated history of not investigating crimes against our kind). Judge Chamberlist ruled that anyone can commit fraud as long as there is no contract between the two parties. He also obscenely ordered my wife to pay all the costs. A women already emotionally battered by a corrupt process designed to frustrate her to the point of simply giving up. Judge Chamberlist stated in the hearing we could attach any wrongdoing from the insurance company’s agents to the insurance company but that is made much more difficult when they are not held accountable for their fraudulent actions and of course what is to prevent these agents to repeatedly prey on other victims without the fear of every being held accountable. I would argue it actually encourages fraud and corruption in the entire process. To make my wife pay for costs was obscene. She already suffered the loss of her home and recently had to declare bankruptcy for a fire that did not even originate in her business. Judge Walker ruling to accept hearsay evidence and not allow me to call Mr. Tran so he could AGAIN escape having to testify is obscene and reprehensible and again a violation of my human rights to a fair unbiased hearing.has been a third party in the court nearly every day of my trial. I believe he is a paid by the RCMP to help ensure the Judge continues to deny my access to the discovery of documents that would be harmful to the RCMP. To influence her conduct at the hearing and to report back to RCMP handlers. Through the freedom of information act I find no reference to this individual and the courts have told me he is simply a member of the general public and of course NONE OF MY BUSINESS. When police officers are committing perjury at a hearing with the help of my tax dollars and at a great cost to my health and wellbeing it is a very large part of my business. There is currently an epidemic of police officers facing perjury charges. Why is this instance allowed and this member is allowed to continue to perjure herself then in fact be protected from being brought back to answer to the statements she made that are clearly false and what she in fact admitted to. She bold faced admitted she lied. Must be nice to be that confident the system is so corrupt she can do that and not face any consequences. It is
clearly a hate crime. When the courts are allowing child predators go free, children who have been sexually abused for years to go without justice because the RCMP do not want to pay for a simple translation but are willing to pay huge amounts of money to ensure their members can break the law and commit perjury without fear of being held accountable it is now everyone’s no reason for the court to withhold my police file unless there is something the court wants to hide. Crown withholding vital information at discovery is one of the greatest reasons for justice being denied and people being wrongfully convicted. I have repeatedly stated their main witness Cpl. Shimanke lied in the first trial and access to my police will prove that. After a 30 months I have received a very limited amount of my police file but enough to prove the Cpl committed perjury at the first trial. Judge Walker was clearly a party to this offence but even more disturbing was the Cpl testimony at this hearing. Judge Walker is suborning perjury. From the Cpl. Shiminake’s own notes I was able to prove she repeatedly lied about knowing the whereabouts of rifles and shotguns not found in my house but registered. After being confronted with her own evidence that she was musing or wondering where they might be but not acting on this information she admitted she did not look any further because I was obnoxious. So after all this time and half a million dollars later we finally come to the truth. This trial has nothing to do with public safety as clearly the RCMP were willing to allow me to keep weapons they did not find in the first look. They were willing to have me sign over possession of my other seized weapons to my wife and have them released in her custody. Yet they continue to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in this foolish endeavor while allowing child rapist’s to go free. Why. I believe there is no other logical explanation except is that this abysmal example of “justice” is an attempt to silence a long critic of the system. To cause as much physical and financial damage to myself while minimizing their exposure to their wrong doing during my arrest. Francophones call it speaking out against brutality and injustice. RCMP call it being obnoxious, hardly a case for spending millions of dollars but here we are and will be for some time. I was not finished cross examining the Cpl when the Judge decided I would no longer be allowed access to her ESPECIALLY in regards to her giving perjured testimony. She would speak to that at the end of trial whenever that comes around and how long it takes. She at one point due to the long protracted process thought I had finished my evidence and crown had given closing arguments. It is a sham, a sad corrupted fiasco. A hate crime.Riel was a cousin many times removed on my Mothers side. His trial was travesty of injustice including not being able to give full evidence or cross examine evidence from hearsay evidence. My great grandfather on my father’s told me his greatest memory at my age (I was about nine) was being on a train going to the US and his mother crying upon hearing the death of Riel on the train. The Le Francois and my mother’s side were not related at that time yet Riel obviously had a huge impact on my father’s side of the family. Whether my great grandfather was being exiled to the US at the time or moved to protect the family from a corrupt system I have no idea. But we do have a verbal history of bigotry against the family going back 128 years. Riel was demonized by a corrupt government of the day and I am demonized a hundred and twenty eight years later for being critical of the brutality of a system that tortures and murders its citizens without accountability. My youngest daughter now lives about 100 miles from where my great grandfather moved to. My point here is our justice system has not changed much in a 128 years in its treatment of Francophones in the West. History continues to repeat itself except perhaps I will not moving any time cross examination of the RCMP Cpl. She stated everyone who disagrees with government policy should have their guns seized. An important point I was not allowed to pursue by Judge Walker. She forcibly stopped my cross on that point. brought my cross to a close when I suggested 6 million Jews would object to such a government policy. Does Judge Walker have issues in regards to the holocaust I have no idea but in Germany the people turned a blind eye to the brutality of the day and here in Prince George people and politicians turn a blind eye to blatant torture of its citizens. It disgusts me. It is so cowardly it shames me to think of all the lives lost to persevere freedom in this country only to have it robbed by sniveling self serving cowards. Spineless, moral corrupt, bigots.the Cpl stated after the Braidwood Inquiry the RCMP could repeatedly taser a person infinitely without doing harm Judge Walker demanded I stop questioning the officer. Good thing Judge Walker did that or we might not be able to taser children with heart conditions in Prince George for possession of a pen. What kind of world would we have if we could not taser 11 year old children and molest children and put the blame on them. It was Crown choice to drag me to court for being obnoxious, not but I sure as hell am entitled to give the best defence possible without being continually shutdown when it goes badly for their side. Their side being the side that is desperately trying to preserve the right to bind men, women and children and apply electric shock until dead and blame it on a completely false medical term excited delirium. They are doing a bang up job. You need a corrupt police system, corrupt coroner, corrupt prosecutors and corrupt justices to pull it off and they have do so up to this point. But history has shown this will all come to an end sooner or later. application appears to be based on my views of the RCMP and given the resources the RCMP are throwing into it there is substantial commitment to this rather than other cases such as child rape. Again while the Judge claims the mysterious person sitting in the back is simply a well dressed member of the general public (The Judge does tend to tell bold faced lies) if new information suddenly surfaces regarding RCMP conduct he is on that cell phone in a heart beat. The Judge ruled a recent beating I suffered under the RCMP and their conduct is simply not relevant as with any of the other information I wanted to bring forward in regards to past RCMP actions against my family even though this case is about the RCMP. The logic simply escapes me except perhaps Francophones by their very nature are expected to be targets of the RCMP. It is simpler than that. She is corrupt to core of her being. I was pulled over in my vehicle after this trial began and beaten on a public street although clearly not resisting. My dog who according to the Crown, the city and RCMP is a dangerous animal came to my side during the beating and seeing I was being forced into a police car, leaped inside as well. She did not attempt to harm anyone even though her owner was clearly in distress. She was clearly traumatized, shaking uncontrollably in the back of the police car and had to dragged away. I am surprised Crown did not spend ten of thousands of dollars to have the dog charged with trepass in a police vehicle. Obstruction of Justice maybe? My wife had to shut her business down to retrieve the dog while my truck was towed. I suffered several injuries and after being held for most of the evening I was beaten again in the cells and released. I am diabetic; suffer from high blood pressure and a serious heart blockage. Aspirin to me means life or death. I repeatedly BEGGED for my medication and medical attention. I was repeatedly denied. The RCMP had gone into my home and removed all my medication. They brought it to my cell and for no other purpose teased me with their possession of my life saving medication while refusing access. While being released after a false arrest and unlawful confinement they kept my medication and beat me for complaining all my money was not accounted for. My wife had to come down and demand the release of my medication after I was forced in to the cold evening with no phone and no shoes on. No charges were ever laid and the numerous traffic allegations they piled on to cover their tracks, they never showed up to court for. But I was forced to drive to another city to defend myself. Again blatant proof of a pattern of causing as much financial and physical damage by the authorities and not having to answer to them because Judge Walker believes such conduct is not relevant to a case involving the RCMP. What? What? Why? How? Hate crime. In a democratic country we are supposed to be judged by unbiased, non bigots and our peers. Clearly my peers would find relevance and would be appalled by such conduct but the judiciary is fully prepared to ignore and turn a blind eye so the brutality and go on and on and on. I do through the freedom of information have limited discovery on this, including the beating and conflicting audio and police statements. Judge Walker denied ALL access to such information. We have the same police officers that tasered Mr. Wiley to death handcuffing and repeatedly tasering another man for their amusement and destroying the video evidence and having the audacity to charge the man with resisting torture. All this after the Braidwood enquiry. We are willing to spend 10 million dollars on trying to determine the truth about a man not in the country for a day but unwilling to do anything about police officers using torture on Canadians repeatedly for their amusement. Disgusting and obscene. And the judiciary is a integral part of these continued Crimes against Humanity. Judges in Germany at the end of World Two were held accountable, when are we going to hold ours accountable? Who is going to hold them accountable. They will NOT hold themselves accountable. It is human rights violation to allow this situation to continue. My kind have repeatedly given their lives to live a country where liberty and freedom is supposed to be a right of everyone. Self serving corrupt justices cannot be allowed to make a joke of their sacrifice. Canadians deserve and sacrificed for a lot more.any case I have over 15 days of transcripts of Judge Walkers continued violation of my human right to any resemblance of a fair and unbiased trial. Days of forcing myself to choose between the physical of being violated by the sheriff department or being jailed for an application that is supposed to carry no threat of incarceration. Being forced to court under the threat of jail is in fact incarceration. I have no right to protect my physical wellbeing and am under the complete control of Judge Walker in regards to my physical well-being of which she repeated violated. Further details can also be found at had our 30 year anniversary of Charter of Rights. Judge Walker has been sitting on a application of mine regarding the violations of my Charter. She calls it tucking them away. What she is doing is ignoring the application completely as she believes Francophones have no Rights in this country therefore any application is is a gross reprehensible violation to one’s human rights to be repeatedly violated with no hope of finding justice and human dignity. It is a HATE CRIME.
Judge Meiklem

He started the trial by lying about where he lived. He could have told me none of my business. I simply wanted to know if he was ever in Prince George to see if he would have any understanding of how justice was delivered in this city. He said he was from the lower mainland when in fact he was from Kamloops. A small matter perhaps but indicative of his integrity.then laughed at me in court for suggesting there could be collusion between, RCMP, Crown and the Judiciary. Laughed at me. Attempted to belittle and make a fool of myself. The only fool shown in this however is himself for so clearly demonstrating his blatant bigotry. Meiklam again in demonstrating his complete lack of integrity failed to have a transcript for the first day of the appeal where another judge heard the arguments. It is outrageous he would ignore the first day of the appeal dealing the Breaches of The Charter and Rights. Quite obviously he believes my kind does not having any rights under a Canadian Charter.although acknowledging verbally in court my words were not by the letter of law a threat still found me guilty not by my words but by what supposedly went through the mind of a person the words were clearly and acknowledged not meant for and from a person who was repeated found perjuring herself at trial. A person who fraudulently was operating a business that was both illegal and meant to relieve my wife of a considerable amount of money. And again a person repeatedly found to be lying. Only a blatant bigot with no regard to human rights could find a person guilty for not what the evidence was but what came out of the mind of person who again the words were not meant for and for who had a clear agenda in committing fraud and taking advantage of one who was already suffering from the loss of her home due to fraud from others. What better person for the RCMP and Crown to rely on to falsely convict a person who was a constant detractor of their brutality.

Crown practically bragged all four of the Crown witness’s could have committed perjury but I still could be found guilty? And I was. In fact with limited information the freedom of information I have been able to obtain I can prove perjury by three of the four. The fourth mostly claimed (Staff Sgt) faulty memory. I have heard third hand he recently came back from being dried out or being treated for substance abuse. Perhaps he was simply drunk or high during my arrest. I have not had the chance to collaborate this so I will not mention him by name until I have done a little more clear. A women who hears another man say to her husband to act like a gentleman, a husband she admits was angry and swearing and yelling because my wife was backing out of a fraudulent deal with his wife. This women states in court act like a gentleman means I am calling out her husband to a duel in a phone message where I clearly identify myself and repeatedly speak about bringing them both to Supreme court to settle the matter. Not a street fight or back alley but Supreme Court. Outlandish, unbelievable, not credible and crazy. Yet Crown has four witnesses. Three are clearly lying and one is feigning memory problems but with enough prodding does remember some things. However if discovery was allowed my emails to him after my arrest clearly details his disgusting behaviour. I would argue for a government to convict people not on physical evidence but on evidence on what others think is a violation of human rights. To convict someone on what someone thinks who has been repeatedly found to be lying and has a clear agenda in trying to use criminal court to protect herself in civil court and again not on what is said but on what that person chooses to interpret even though the words were not directed at her is a HATE CRIME.
Circumstantial Evidence

Before basing a verdict of guilty on circumstantial evidence you must be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the guilt of the accused is the only reasonable inference to be drawn from the proven facts.

It was there stated that where the Crown's case depended exclusively on circumstantial evidence the circumstances must be consistent with the conclusion that the act was committed by the accused and inconsistent with any other rational conclusion.

I included many sworn statements and other evidence in my appeal that cost me tens of thousands of dollars and not one of them was referred to. He simply rehashed the statement of the original judge. He completely ignored my evidence. I had originally also in my appeal went on about the fact of my health on the first day of my heart attack but in reality if a court is going to allow all the crown witness’s to perjure themselves, hold back discovery materiel that is clearly crucial to my defence, allow the prosecution to have me strip searched and humiliated and degraded each day in court to prejudice the hearing what is a heart attack during the first crucial day in court compared to all of that.travesty of justice of having a Supreme Court Judge laugh at a man who has gone through his daughters being sexually abused by the RCMP and these young girls being blamed for their abuse for being seductive and asking for “it” is reprehensible irresponsible and a HATE CRIME. Every reporter who covers crime and punishment in the country would be offended by this man’s assertion the RCMP are treated no different in the court room. I have gone through five long punishing years seeing this first hand. This man is disgusting and should not be sitting in judgment of anyone. It is clear my people can only be judged by a jury of our peers. There is no way we can find justice under the current system of bigotry and corruption.
Judge Grauer

He played a small part in my appeal but he made a statement that did not get into the transcript. He stated he did not see what the big deal regarding my not be allowed access to counsel when I was late for court, arrested and thrown in the penal system with no access to counsel despite repeatedly asking the sheriff’s and Judge O’Byrne. My kind would take the following position.a judge shows a clear prejudice and jails a man for a crime the prosecution from the beginning is seeking a suspended sentence for being late shows he is a bigot.a judge jails a local businessman who would have no reason to flee the area for a suspended sentence is a bigot and this is a hate crime.a judge jails a local businessman for being late when he has repeatedly did not jail repeat offenders it is a hate crime.judge refuses a man access to a lawyer and he suffers a heart attack because someone in the court not only ensures he has no phone call at the court house or up on the hill when everyone else is entitled to a phone call then this is a hate crime.a man is deprived of counsel who could ensure his client has proper medical care and he is deprived of such care then this is a hate confident if we repeatedly ask groups of twelve of my peers they would agree. But ask a self serving judge the answer is of course, what is the big deal.his comment never made in the transcript is a mystery but apparently judges can ask to have some statements removed from the audio transcript which is why it will be important to obtain original copies of the audio for all these cases especially when dealing with corruption.
Judge O’Byrne

Judge O’Byrne holds a in camera hearing (secret) in regards to my request to subpoena Regional Crown Counsel Oleh Kuzma. My reason for calling Kuzma was in regards to two meetings I had with him regarding RCMP conduct in Prince George and the conduct of his prosecutors. My house was robbed in Prince George and the RCMP did not find out who. I offer a five hundred reward and find out who and this person threatens to come back and harm my wife when I am not home and he and an accomplice attack me using bear mace. The bear mace was used to incapacitate myself so they could do grievous harm to myself. However I am able to fend off the attack and the owner of the property where he was living. With the help of the owner of the property my gun cabinet is found where he is living (cabinet locked so they stole the entire cabinet with the firearms inside in a stolen car.) His half brother actually turned him in for the reward. His parents actually pay for this guy to stay away from the family home as they are afraid. So I have found good witnesses and evidence of stolen property at his residence plus the assault with a weapon. No charges are laid. He has been given free rein to attack my family at any time he chooses without fear of any consequences. Next at the office I am attacked by two individuals from a crack house. They catch up to me at a neighbouring business they are extorting power from. They spit, punch and kick me and when proves unsuccessful they return with a pitch fork and pick axe in front of multiple witness’s. I fight them back unarmed to their property line and stop there. They hurl threats of attacking my business, my employee’s and threaten to blow up my business actually bragging they already have explosive charges against them. They are never charged in court and both walk scot free but wait it gets better. A pipe bomb is found shortly after at a business across the street. These crack heads have been caught stealing from this business on numerous occasions. RCMP go in and find more dynamite in the crack house. These people repeatedly come back to my business when my vehicle is not out front and threaten my employees. RCMP is called numerous times but they do nothing. I am accosted twice downtown when these people are with other street people and feel they can intimidate and threaten. At one instance one of them pulls out a screwdriver to attack me and I take a picture of him threatening me with the weapon and still no charges are laid. There is nothing I can do in regards to the safety and security of myself at home or at the office. I complain to the Premier and Kuzma is directed to talk to me. He now claims even though he is a seasoned lawyer he took no notes of the meeting even though he was told to have these meetings by his superiors. I suspect he took no notes for two reasons. When you have a discussion regarding the torture and murder of a local citizen and you have to justify murder and torture, it is best you take no notes so you have plausible deniability later. You cannot really justify repeatedly beating a man hog tied and handcuffed and then sitting on him and cutting off his air supply while you apply repeated electric shocks. Yet in the civil trial now pending we have our Provincial and Federal governments doing just that. Standard policy or protocol. Standard protocol for Crimes Against Humanity by the Canadian Government? Also when you tell a citizen local drug dealers can target you and your business because you are over six feet tall then again it is best not to take notes. I am only 5 9” if that now at my age. Kuzma could have just said “you dumb stupid Frenchmen what ever gave you the idea your kind will ever find justice out West “ but he choose to insult me further by telling me if you are over 6’ tall you may be subject to being impaled by a pitch fork. Again a flurry of angry emails to his office over his comments would have proved this. These email have never been admitted to in a numerous Freedom of Information requests. So when I am faced with defending myself at trial for making threats that were not really threats and the conversation was not directed at the one making the complaint and I expressly repeatedly declared this civil matter must be resolved in Supreme Court and as gentlemen there is a monstrous difference in how my kind is treated by Crown in regards to approving charges. This is not prosecutor discretion. This is a hate crime. Whether or not a person is entitled to security of person or maliciously prosecuted is based on race and culture. In addition how in the hell can I even contemplate I could be charged making threats given on repeated occasions people, people who have extensive records for violence are threatening real harm to my family and my employees and nothing is done. Hate Crime. Judge Byrne rules I am not entitled to bring any of this information to my hearing. Hate Crime. Imagine a upstart Frenchman in the fine province of BRITISH Columbia demanding a fair hearing. What a fool. This ruling of course protects Crown from looking like a pack of bigots and cripples my defence in regards to mens rea. The lack of guilty mind. Again I am pretty sure my peers would agree our kind is entitled to make a full defence regardless if makes Crown looks unsavory. Hate Crime. Breach of Trust.get my court dates wrong and my office calls me on a day I have been up most of the night out of town working on Canfor’s compressors. The office tells me I am supposed to be in court. I immediately go to court and am promptly arrested. I repeatedly ask for a lawyer and am repeatedly denied. I am brought to Judge Byrne who states he doubts there will be time for me to speak to a lawyer and I am sent to the correction center where someone has phoned ahead to make sure I am not given a phone card up there either. My family has no idea what has happened to me. I have simply disappeared. My truck with its tools worth over $100,000.00 is left outside of the courthouse again with no one knowing what has happened. My youngest daughter was with me but I had sent her up to the Crown office to let them know I was there but the sheriffs arrested me at the front counter while she was upstairs and when she returned I had vanished and no one would answer her questions. the position of Crown in this case from the beginning was a suspended sentence. A man with a substantial business in town does not RUN and leave his family and business over such stupidity. A check of Judge Byrnes history will show his incarceration in my case was unwarranted and not part of any reasonable pattern. The jail would be overrunning with people who were late or missed court. I had immediately went to the court when I was told I missed a hearing. There was no calculated attempt to leave town. Judge Byrnes reasons for jailing a diabetic who already was up for most of the night was based on bigotry. It was a bigoted attempt to teach the nasty Frenchmen not to be critical of the justice system as they are all powerful and not accountable to no one. He wanted to teach me a lesson, a lesson that was almost fatal for myself.have no proof Judge O’Byrne was also instrumental of myself being held in lockdown and with no access to a phone card as all other inmates are entitled to but someone certainly did and a word from him certainly would have guaranteed this.actions sent me to a facility where I received no food or my regular medications. I received one metformin. None of my blood pressure medication and no aspirin. I suffered a heart attack and had no sleep that night and in my abysmal condition the following day I attempted to defend myself. I was so disoriented by the absolute raw bigotry of the system I just fought my way through the day as best I could. No blood sugars were taken even though the correction center clearly understood I was diabetic.bigotry near resulted in my death. His absolute disregard for the right to counsel and basic human care. I complained to the Chief Justice which in its regular form completely ignored the issue as it is quite comfortable knowing they answer to no one and are accountable to no one. It is very frustrating you spend money to have a transcript printed to prove your case and the Chief Justice throws that back at you and completely ignores the evidence. Not only is it a breach of trust, it is robbery and a hate crime.came before Judge O’Byrne again in regards to the firearm application and asked him to recuse himself given his past outrageous rulings that have cost me dearly. He refused with a grin of his face and refused to allow more time for this firearm application that remains unresolved half a million dollars later and past the five year period sought by the application. I have effectively been convicted without trial for that period but still threatened to again be put into incarceration at the court house for an application that is supposed to not have jail time. Hate Crime. Uttering Threats Breach of Trusttime the government, Crown or others act in such a way that you are found guilty before a trial or hearing I believe it imperative this be dealt with as quickly as possible. Not left to linger well past the limits of the application. It is a HATE CRIME. My family has hunted as part of its culture and heritage long before this wilderness became a country. Our right to pursue our culture and heritage cannot be held to be less important than others. It is a breach of human rights to subject a person to such a process that completely deprives him of due process while depriving him of his cultural interaction with his family. And if you are one who fights for tribalism I would argue my heritage also goes back to a full blooded Micmac first nation’s grandmother. My uncle wanted me to accompany him hunting up North last year and I could not. At 79 he was left to dress out and load up a 2,500 lb moose because his nephew was still fighting a fire arms application 5 years later. Still being denied due process and the right to full disclosure. This all began with Judge O’ByrneO’Byrne actions are not only bigoted but they nearly cost me my life. How many others have been put at risk by his bigotry and prejudices?
Judge Brecknell

Judge Brecknell through numerous hearings denied me full disclosure of my police file and file from Crown. This would have gone far to prove I could not have had the guilty mind required to believe I was breaking the law given lack of justice I was experiencing at the hands of the RCMP and Crown.the chief crown witness being found to have lied numerous times he referred to it as not lying or perjury but as resiling. A word a bigoted corrupt judge uses to justify a witness being repeatedly caught in a lie by numerous witnesses. the husband a credible witness as well despite his lying wife remembering his screaming and yelling while on speaker phone. He claimed he had no knowledge of that conversation. The same conversation that resulted in his wife filing a small claims action against my wife and myself. Simply not credible at all and clearly shows again Judge Brecknells bigotry.Shimanke repeatedly also caught with inconsistencies between her testimony in court and her own written notes. She also claimed she released the entire police file which she clearly did not. My freedom of information disclosure years after trial clearly shows that lie. Again Judge Brecknell stood clearly in the path of reasonable and relevant disclosure or discovery. Hate CrimeSgt who arrested me and paraded me around like a prized monkey going from member to member and asking what issues did I have with that officer. His constant humiliating behaviour which I immediately complained about the following day to him by email were suddenly not available to the court or to his memory. Again the lack of disclosure. I doubt the RCMP can lose emails the way they lose video and audio when it is convenient. Mind you I have yet to confirm this Staff Sgt. addiction but this not excuse his behaviour and deception.we have four witness’s all caught in half truths or full lies. Yet the Judge believes all of them but not myself despite flagrant evidence to the contrary . Hate Crime and cold blooded hateful bigotry.again my phone message was for the husband who all parties agreed was belligerent, angry and swearing at myself and my wife and a person a considered a threat to my wife. I told him I believe nine times we would settle this not in small claims but Supreme Court because they were not going to operate a scam of my wife and we will be seeking damages. I told him to keep this on the level of a gentlemen and to leave this to the courts and not to contact my wife and to meet me at time and place of HIS convenience to discuss this because he sure as fuck did want me coming over in the dead of night to discuss the matter. Now again the record if I was allowed to present the record in court and allowed discovery would have clearly shown a Francophone and his family in this town do not receive police protection, nor does Crown approve charges against career criminals who attack his family or business. The only protection a Francophone can rely on is what he provides. And yes I wanted Mr. Valcourt a man who with his wife was operating a criminal enterprise to know he was to keep this matter before the courts and NOT to try and extort, intimidate or further do injury to my already emotionally battered wife over this matter. They were operating a scam in regards to purchasing homes that they had no license either from the city or the Financial Institute or any other government body. This scam was illegal in Canada and this same scam was used to the US to basically bankrupt the economy, the same economy the world is still trying to recover from seven years later.again this message was to the husband who everyone agrees was belligerent, insulting, swearing and I felt he could be a threat to my wife although he did not make any direct threats but he was clearly out of control. And again, keep it on a gentleman basis does not mean dueling. Meet me at a time and place of his convenience and at one point I suggested a public place like the realty office he does business in not a back alley. His realtors office a place he should be COMFORTABLE with. The husband avoids the RCMP like the plague when his wife complains to the RCMP about the phone message.I am convicted of Uttering Threats and Making Harassing phone calls for leaving messages in regards to seeking information on their civil action they filed the day before. Francophone are not allowed to use the telephone to ask for information regarding a civil action started by others, and can be convicted not on what they say but on what goes on in another’s mind.and again and again my peers would clearly see a man mentioning the words Supreme Court nine times rather than meet me in a back alley to resolve this would understand I mean Supreme Court. My peers seeing I filed a reply in court to their action mentioning bumping this up to Supreme Court on the day after the phone call would see I followed through with what I said I was doing. Again Judge Brecknell ignored all this in his closed bigoted words conveying a direct threat and no words towards the wife. They were clearly meant for the husband who again being part of a criminal conspiracy and clearly angry and belligerent and I felt needed to understand clearly to stay away from my wife. the RCMP repeatedly and I do mean repeatedly fail to protect my family and my business and employees. When Crown REPEATEDLY fail to protect my family and my business I have a RIGHT to ensure the safety of both. Francophones are not door mats. We entitled to safety and security regardless if a local bigoted justice system is maliciously in breach the trust of that responsibility. It is clearly a
Human Rights violation to one hand deny safety and security to a group and deny the right of ensuring the groups safety when the authorities clearly REPEATEDLY fail to do so. It is obscene. Brecknell ruled in fact that regardless of whether I could have any expectation of justice or safety Francophones have no right whatsoever to ensure their family or business safety. They must remain silent and compliant and graciously accept the consequences. Regardless of the danger or harm. And to ensure I could not provide proof of the difference between the level of justice between Francophones and the rest of Canadians he limited my discovery of both Crown and RCMP materiel. I now have enough proof of that to clearly show the pattern. And it did not come easy or fast. For Judge Brecknell to rule I on one hand have to accept being attacked with pitch forks and axes for being over 6 feet one day. My daughters being raped, my wife being threatened all with no charges being laid but at the same time be convicted of Uttering Threats and Harassing Phone calls for what goes on in the mind of another is a HATE CRIME for trying to ensure a man shown to be threat by his criminal behaviour and his violent temper act likes a gentleman. And again this man knew exactly what I meant and he was to leave my wife alone and leave this to the courts. It was his wife who filed the civil suit and used the RCMP to bolster her civil case. She as much as admitted to this fact in court. And of course the RCMP who one hand allows my family to exposed to violent criminals without responding goes out of its way to attack the same family any time the opportunity arises. Again something I can prove now with the limited information I received from Freedom of Information. Brecknell was amused by my complaints of being charged for what goes on in another’s mind as I clumsily stated it would be against the Supreme Court. He reminded me there was only one opinion that mattered and it was his. But there is greatest violation of human rights. To be convicted not on what was said and not even said to that person but what that person chooses to interpret that meaning for whatever reason they choose by a corrupt bigoted Judge with his malevolent agenda. A jury of my peers would never have come to such a bigoted conclusion. And how did our society ever get to the point we convict people on nothing but others opinions are and not the evidence. This current system allows a conviction based on nothing but simply a Governments need to silence its critics using corrupt judges.had made an application to Judge Brecknell to stop the harassment and humiliation being inflicted upon by the Sheriff department I assumed at the direction of Crown in a malicious design to further inhibit my right to give full answer and defence in court. I was being strip searched repeatedly during the day and at one point thrown up against a wall and a sheriff reaching into my pocket and grabbing my penis with such force I bled for more than a year. The sheriff act in no way allows for strip searching for the sheriffs amusement not does it allow for violent sexual assaults. Judge Brecknell quietly had the strip searches stopped and the rough physical searches although occasionally afterward certain sheriffs would smash my testicles with the “non contact “ wand. My complaint on one occasion lead to my arrest for obstruction. A false arrest that they changed to disturbing the peace. Sheriffs are humiliating and degrading me and whacking my “junk” with a search wand and I am disturbing the peace? Judge Brecknell failure to properly address the issue of my strip searches in his decision and assault on my penis is further proof of bigotry and human rights abuses. The sheriffs continue their harassment. My health deteriorated to the point I could no longer handle the abuse and my wife had to go defend herself alone in Supreme Court a few months ago. She told me part way through hearing four or five sheriffs burst into the room. She felt they came in force to further “teach” the Francophone his proper place. Judge Brecknell has a history of bigotry and failing to protect the public and allowing both “peace” officers and Crown to violate human rights. the above link Judge Brecknell does stay the charges of “resisting torture”. However does he in one sentence or in one word go after Crown for pursuing such charges to begin with? It is bad enough the RCMP is torturing people repeatedly for their amusement but here we have Liberal Government of BC through the Attorney General office approving charging a man for resisting being tortured and standing by and doing nothing while the RCMP again destroy evidence. It is appalling in a Western Democratic Society for a government and justice system to be so blatantly a party to torture and torture not for National Security but for the amusement of others. It is clear these people have no respect whatsoever for Human Rights or for Human Live as this policy has resulted in the death of prisoners subjected to such measures for no lawful excuse except brutality for the sake of brutality. Judge Brecknell if he truly was human would have raised the roof over such a practice but he did not. Not only is it a hate crime but a cowardly act for a person who has the power and authority to make a difference to climb into slime with those who use brutality as a weapon against the people of this country my brethren by the thousands died to supposedly give us peace and security. It sickens me. Brecknell also had obvious ex parte hearings or meeting in regards to the Sheriffs conduct as he came to the conclusion the sheriff actions were due to a letter sent by the RCMP, something I was never allowed to see or question. Again a clear violation of my Human Rights.

Circumstantial Evidence

Before basing a verdict of guilty on circumstantial evidence you must be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that the guilt of the accused is the only reasonable inference to be drawn from the proven facts.

It was there stated that where the Crown's case depended exclusively on circumstantial evidence the circumstances must be consistent with the conclusion that the act was committed by the accused and inconsistent with any other rational conclusion.

Judge Chamberlist

I was repeatedly strip searched when attempt several hearings in regards to my wife’s insurance claim. This is civil matter and the Sheriff department and the court were using the strip searches to deny us fair and equal access to the court and as a tool of application a subcontractor who blatantly and fraudulently determined my wife’s equipment was not damaged in the fire was found to be free of any legal remedy from my wife and in fact despite the blatant fraud my wife was forced to pay damages and costs. does not take a very intelligent person to determine an insurance adjuster is not working for the “victim” of a fire but the insurance company and his job is to minimize the exposure of the insurance company. Hopefully in a legal way. However if he does this illegally Judge Chamberlist ruled, too bad so sad, there is no contract between the “victim” and the adjuster. This is crazy and I believe a violation of basic human rights. This is Judge Chamberlist law not the law of civilized country.same goes for a subcontractor of the Adjuster. Again it does not take much imagination to see it is the best interest of any subcontractor working for any adjuster to always find for the adjuster and the insurance company but also to do things as cheaply as possible. If it goes to the point of blatant fraud again according to Judge Chamberlist, so sad, too bad for you. You silly Francophone you have no right seek a remedy in the courts and certainly the RCMP will tell you it is a civil matter so you are really screwed both ways. And if you have audacity to seek compensation in the courts we will add to your misery and assign you’s go bankrupt after a fire or break in because of insurance issues. It is because the system is stacked against in so many ways especially if the loss falls within a certain number. If the loss is not large enough a lawyer to not want to handle as the costs far out way the return. In other words you never recover all of your costs in any action. And it beyond the expertise of a layman to handle on their own and
some Judges show a definite prejudice when layman try to apply the not a lawyer but I do believe there is a legal precedence in Canada to hold third parties liable in actions. I believe it is imperative to hold third parties ACCOUNTABLE so they do not find it a good and profitable business preying on Canadians already suffering from a loss. Chamberlist decision I believe is corrupt and violation of a basic human right not to be victimized by system designed to allow others to prey and profit by illegal means or should I say since corrupt justices decide what is illegal and legal perhaps a better word would be morally wrong. Morally bankrupt justices bankrupt not only basic human rights and dignity but allow others to profit by preying on the vulnerable whether by circumstances or position in life.any group to be free from accountability will result in a loss of human rights.this case I was greatly prejudiced by the repeated strip searches and my wife is greatly prejudices because these actions reduced my health to the point I can no longer go to court and support her.

Sheriffs ordered me out of a courtroom and forcibly held me against the wall and put their hands in my pockets to remove whatever they could find. There is nothing in the Sheriff Act that allows that. They can ask me to leave not assault me. I believe it was by accident but while removing a large cell phone from my pocket (an early smart phone) they grabbed my penis at the same time and tried to remove both at the same time. Again they had no right to be in my pocket and no right whether by accident or on purpose to be yanking on my penis. I suffered bleeding every time I ejaculated for over a year. When I faxed and complained they then began the repeated strip searches every time I came to court. They would have me remove my shoes just for going to the front counter to file papers. Strip me naked every time I had a court date whether civil or criminal. Clear Violation of Human RightsI asked why, I was told by some it was for personal reasons. Translation for their own amusement. Crown would repeatedly say it was none of my business.I was late for court the Sheriffs arrested me and repeatedly and repeatedly denied my request to speak to a lawyer. The result is I was incarcerated without food, sleep or my blood pressure medications resulting in heart attack. Violation of Human Rights and a HATE CRIMEwould in some cases use a noncontact wand to smack me on the testicles again for their amusement. When they did this a second time I tore off my shirt to show there was no reason for their brutality and they again arrested me. I was arrested for Obstruction of a Peace Officer for removing my shirt to stop them from whacking my testicles. Sounds like a human rights violation to me. Just to be clear Francophones do not like their penis being grabbed, testicles being whacked or having heart attacks because the Solicitor General Office does not believe Francophones have any rights whatsoever including the right to retain counsel. HATE CRIME
I do not believe there is one sheriff in Prince George that is willing to being locked up with me with us both naked in a room at the court house unless of course I am hand cuffed and hog tied. But find one and I can end this practice of humiliating and degrading Francophones in Prince George for all time despite my medical condition.time it seemed when I was testify the behaviour of the sheriffs became increasingly brutal. Last year on a day I was to testify they demanded I be searched in an area out of camera coverage and I refused. I moved three times to a different location but still in camera view to be searched and they because increasingly belligerent to the point four of them jumped me and attempted to break both my wrists as they pushed me from the court house. Laughing “do not every come back”. HATE CRIME
My blood pressure sky rocketed and I faxed the court I could not attend due to my condition and Judge Walker under the threat of jail insisted I attend court and either face death at her hands or in jail for an application of which there is no jail time. HATE CRIMEinvestigation into this incident took place and the Sheriffs investigated themselves. First thing they said was they would
not investigate my penis being assaulted. They would not investigate my right to counsel being denied. They would not investigate my repeated strip search. But they would investigate my ejection from court. Which of course they found in line with policy. Again having sheriffs investigate sheriffs and they NOT INVESTIGATING MATTERS THEY DO NOT WANT TO IS A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND A HATE CRIME. And it again it comes down to not being accountable.continue to single me out in court and my daughters for searches for no other purpose then do deny my people access to justice, to due process, to basic human rights of peace and security. It is racist and especially disgusting in my daughters case who has been repeatedly violated by the system.wife is going to get trampled in Supreme Court because it is none of my business according to the Attorney General of BC to why I am singled out in court for this repeated violation of my human rights. I have repeatedly asked for a hearing for simple due process and am repeatedly denied. I am denied due process because they know a fair and unbiased hearing will show their bigotry, racism and brutality.
Freedom of Information Office

I have made repeated requests to the Freedom of Information Office for information and it is denied and not forthcoming in five years. They have buried their conduct, refused to investigate their conduct and the RCMP refuses to investigate. It is a blatant violation of Basic Human Rights. The Freedom of Information Office is supposed to promote Human Rights by giving citizens access to records that would discourage any group from violating human rights. When the Office continually fails to deliver it is violating the human rights such an office is supposed to help protect. Both in regards to Sheriff, Corrections, or AG requests for information have been heavily edited, denied and even denial some records exist. My latest request from the AG office has been ignored completely. You could argue it is the AG or SG is the issue but the Freedom of Information does have a duty to ensure the process is fair, transparent and equitable to the people seeking information.


Lara Vizsolyi

Has repeatedly denied myself access to even the applications I have been facing trial for five years. Only recently received through a RCMP Freedom of Information request the application to have my firearms destroyed.repeatedly ignored blatant perjury from her witness’s. Her excuse is it is an adversarial process. However the job of a prosecutor is to see Justice is done, not bring the best liars to court the Crown can muster. She has repeatedly suborned perjury in a case that reeks of bigotry. It is a HATE CRIME.the RCMP blatantly admits to perjury and knowing I intend to call on her in regards to that in my closing of cross examination she contrives to have her no longer available to the court or to my cross examination. Again denying my right to full answer and defence or at least arguing Francophones have no right to make full answer and defence. It is so blatantly against a free and democratic society stands for but again only for some and not for all in this case.has had ex parte meetings with the judges that have impaired my ability to defend myself. believe she is one that has ordered the sheriffs to humiliate and degrade myself before each session in court to help her case. I have no proof of this other than whenever I ask the question in court she responds it is none of my (Sheriffs) are grabbing my penis, stripping me naked and peering up my anus when they are clearly not entitled to, it is my business. It is a human rights violation and a HATE CRIME. Simply stating it is none of my business is obscene and a HATE CRIME.the RCMP falsely arrests me, unlawfully confine me after physically assaulting me when I was clearly not resisting and proven on audio and video tape. Tearing the muscle in my shoulder then removing my medication from my home and refusing to allow me to have any and beating me again on my release and still withholding my medication she has the audacity to state in court it is not relevant to a hearing regarding my views on the RCMP. When I formerly ask the Crown to investigate when it is clear the RCMP do not hold themselves accountable I am not even entitled to a response. Bigoted HATE CRIME and a violation of my Human Rights. Good thing I have better things to do then start a jihad because I have no avenues it appears to seek justice but how stupid can a society be where they completely remove the right of justice from certain groups on society. This is where home grown terrorism starts.
As I have stated in my culture we have always answered the call to arms to defend this country and been prepared to fling ourselves to a blinding hail of bullets so to speak. This takes a certain kind of courage and commitment. To then again ask these same people to act as complaint door mats in a society where the police use torture for entertainment or local girls for forced sex because the police feel they are untouchable is not going to work. Hate crimes committed by cowards in fear of people who are not cowards and stand up to Crimes Against Humanity and brutality by state employed thugs is deployable and shows the abysmal mind set of our politicians that allows this brutality to continue. We have these thugs destroying evidence of child murder and rape (Mindy Tran). Blatantly walking into a evidence locker removing the poor dead girls panties and washing away the evidence then returning the panties back to evidence. Why? Why, to ensure a child killing pedophile will forever escape justice. Francophones cannot understand any circumstance legally and especially morally any reason to justify such an action. But did we hear one, just one politician ask this question? NO. WHY. Because they are morally bankrupted cowards, afraid of their police or perhaps they believe raping and killing small children does not warrant getting too excited about if the RCMP want to cover their self-serving ass. It infuriates me again my people have died by the thousands so self-serving cowards can excuse such atrocities. I see no difference to what went on in Germany in the 30’s and 40’s to the turning of a blind eye to brutality, child rape and murder here in Canada.
She has refused reasonable disclosure that is or was crucial to my case. She has lied about its existence and has repeatedly denied my right make a full defence because of her lack of disclosure. My requests for information was less than three RCMP ticketed for speeding over 40 kilometers over the speed limit. Their case is tossed because of golly gee the RCMP took too long to investigate but they did get the materials requested. You cannot deny disclosure based on race or culture. It is a human rights violation and a hate crime.has insisted I remain in court when my blood pressure was at a point 911 should have been called and she knew keeping me there was injurious to my health and there was no way regardless how long I sat in the Justice of Peace office I was going to get a court date. She does this for a living and knows my schedule means nothing. It is her schedule and the judges schedule that determine when a hearing will be next held and the JP cannot determine that with me sitting all day waiting for that to happen. If Crown wants to get ahold of me because they need to change a date, they use a device called a telephone. However this device apparently is not acceptable if they want to hold a critical ill person hostage in the court house for their own amusement. I am the President of a Company running 24/7. Someone always answers the phone and Crown has my cell phone number. Again if it’s for their benefit they will use it. They will not if they want to justify forcing me to spend another day or two in court just to get a court date while my blood pressure is critical. This is a deliberate attempt to do fatal harm. Crime against Humanity. Hateful, bigoted Bullies.believe she had my daughter singled out and humiliated in the court area being physically searched as she was there to help with my case. Hateful Bigoted Bully attacking a individual already repeatedly victimized by hateful bigoted bullies in the Justice System. My daughter has never been arrested, charged with a crime, however been a victim and in that capacity further victimized by hateful bigoted bullies.
Oleh Kuzma

Oleh Kuzma was asked by the AG to respond to a letter when I wrote to the Premier BC who passed the letter the AG office. In the letter I complained about the number of people killed recently by the RCMP. Wiley, Arnaud and Bush and the lack of accountability in those slayings. In the case of Wiley a protracted beating and repeated torture by the application of electricity until his heart failed. Apparently there is a genetic anomaly with men in Prince George. They can be beaten; a couple heavy men sit on their chest and repeatedly shock them at over 50,000 volts of electricity. Prince George men who cannot breathe or defend themselves while handcuffed and hog tied or expand their chests enough to take a breath or their bodies able to breathe due to their entire body going into repeated electrical spasm are able to die for other reasons then the above. (Excited Delirium as determined by the Braidwood Enquiry is a bogus excuse.) Either that or we have a system so corrupt we have developed a system that can explain away torture and murder for fun and no profit with nothing but smoke and mirrors. I have considerable experience with dying by electric shock. Been there and done that. I have first hand experience of the body being in such a spasm you can literally feel your heart stop. You cannot breathe; your body is incapable of doing anything except die. I could literally feel my heart stop. I took 240 volts completely immersed in water. A house I purchased had a faulty ground circuit and a hot water tank element shorting into the water. Electricity killed me and I assume it was again electricity that brought me back as I (spiritually) left my body and looked at my three young daughters playing with their Christmas presents with what I thought was my last time. A coroner would have found my death to be from electrical shock at 240 volts. A man being shocked on a high energy car or truck ignition system at 50,000 volts would again be found to have died from electrical shock. A man from a three phase shock on dry surface at 600 volts will be found to have died from electrical shock. It only takes .5 of an amp to kill. However a taser shock (50,000 volts) administered by police in this city
never ever is the cause of death. Might as well say there was never a holocaust, just a series of accidents in the shower rooms at Auschwitz. Justice leaves the room when it comes to in custody deaths from Police torturing citizens for their amusement with their latest taser toy. above is I believe clearly why Oleh Kuzma states there no notes taken during our two meetings. When one is trying to justify torture and murder its best to ensure there is no paper trail to follow. How often do you find a lawyer who in meetings with a person directed from the AG office takes no notes and ensures there is no paper trail on such a critical issue. When you are dealing with criminal acts by the RCMP, his department and the government of the day. other portion of that meeting was the failure of his department to prosecute when my home was robbed, my wife threatened and I was bear maced and assaulted by those who robbed my home. In this case I had paid out a 500 dollar reward to find out who robbed the home as the RCMP supposed investigation was going nowhere. The person I paid the money out to was the person who robbed my home own step brother who personally witnessed his brother loading up my gun cabinet in his step brothers stolen car he always drove. I was bear maced near the highway while checking out nearby dumpsters for articles from my gun cabinet and household near where this individual was staying. I found the gun cabinet under a tarp in the yard where he was staying. I pay more taxes than the average citizen but for some reason am not entitled to any of the benefits. Personal taxes, house taxes, taxes on my business building downtown, corporate taxes, HST, payroll taxes and all else that goes with living in a residence and operating a business with multiple employees. On top of that I pay personally out of my own pocket to get irrefutable evidence of the crime of robbery and assault and nothing is done. Leaving my family at risk. This is a HATE CRIME. Breach of trust, it is not prosecutable discretion it is prosecutable misconduct. The freedom information report on why no charges were laid is false and I can prove it with eye witness testimony. The assault was over a block from where these people were staying.
In another case while taking a mid morning walk from my office with my dog, I am attacked by a person known to be selling drugs out of a home in the downtown area my business is in. Half a block from my business in the back alley. He runs up to me at the back of another business, spits my face, sucker punches me in the face, kicks me and when I defend myself he runs back to his backyard. His partner in the meantime comes at me with a pitch fork. I beat him off and now the other guy is coming at me with a pick axe. I fight them both off and back them up into their back yard where I advance no further. I am unarmed. My dog has run off and is sitting half a block off waiting for the dust to settle. The dog has had no part in this battle. There are multitude of witness`s at this point. The surrounding businesses have emptied to view the ongoing battle. These two berate me, they threaten me, they brag about having explosive charges already against themselves and how they are going to blow up my business. How they are going to harm myself and my employees. I call the RCMP and they are arrested but put on conditions which they repeatedly break by coming to my place of business when my vehicle is not out front and threatening the employees. They on two occasions threaten me downtown. In one instance one pulls out a screwdriver to use as a weapon and I simply photograph him threatening me and his friends disappear so he backs off having to face me alone. Both have long charge sheets, convictions and current weapons application convictions, yet no charges are laid by Crown and no weapons violations or breach of conditions. Oleh Kuzma explanation is because I am over six feet tall. (I am in fact barely 5`9``)
I am perplexed by such stupidity and write several emails to his office wanting an explanation of such utter nonsense. However it makes sense now. When one is such an utter BIGOT stating you are a free and open target to every criminal in town because you are six feet tall does make some sort of sense. It is like saying you stupid ass frog, did you really think you had any entitlement to security and justice in Prince George. Go back to where your kind came from. After many years of trying to get a response from the Freedom of Information Office in regards to the decision not to press charges it came down to this. My dog apparently bothered their dog and they were simply defending their dog. (I was attacked not in their area but a business down the street or back alley) Now remember this is a crack house. With no power and perhaps no water. They extort power from the business next door from where I was attacked. I know the owners of this business and they were a witness to the attack. They have a dog and I have a dog. My dog is well known in the area and gets along with every other dog including the mini ankle biters that get loose once and awhile and go at her aggressively. She ignores them. She has had pups. She is mothering. The crack house had a PUPPY permanently and miserably tied by a rope to junk car in the back alley. Why do crack houses tie dogs outside. To make noise. Why do crack heads treat their dogs with so much brutality, because they want them to be mean and warn when people are around. Now this was still just a puppy and probably about seven pounds of fur. Dirty and tied 24 hours a day to that car. When I walked that back alley my dog would check the puppy to see if it was okay. The same way any two dogs check each other out. However mine would do it in a motherly fashion as this was a puppy. I should add at this point, after the threats to blow up my business they were pissed at the automotive supply across the street as they were charged with robbing their warehouse and banned from the store for shoplifting. A pipe bomb was discovered behind this store a couple weeks after my altercation. A search of the crack house turned up more dynamite. Now despite all this no charges laid as apparently people who not supposed to own or use weapons can attack Francophones even OUT OF SEASON with Pitch Forks and Axes for walking their dog especially if their dog is concerned about the maltreatment of a puppy. Who knows what finally happened to that poor puppy when the house was condemned. But again a phony pitiful excuse of not laying charges despite numerous witness`s to the contrary. What it again proves is not prosecutable discretion but BIGOTRY and a HATE CRIME. My employees and I were repeatedly terrorized by these people and nothing was done. I have opened up the rear door of my shop and found people stealing in broad daylight. They have attacked me with copper pipes with my Service Manager standing behind me and the owner of the adjoining business and his employees standing outside. Plenty of witness`s but no police action. It goes on and on and on. When the British first came to Canada they sent a fair portion of my people to prisons in England, deported some all the way back to France and move a great portion all along the United States seaboard. This why we have so many relatives south of the border. In BC instead of deportation they try and use the local criminal element to encourage us to immigrate elsewhere. Local criminal element would include the RCMP who are simply breaking the law while wearing a uniform.Kuzma is the Regional Crown Counsel. One would expect such a person to act with integrity, honour, trust and treat all people equitably. He has a duty to do so. He has repeatedly shown the opposite. It is criminal. It is a HATE a party to the offence of torture, homicide, brutality and assault by his inactions and breach of trust to the people of this country and especially to the thousands of my brethren who fought and died to protect this country from outside brutality. Only to have his kind allow to it to breed and fester right where we live and bring up our families.

The RCMP has repeatedly violated my human rights, left my family in peril, failed repeatedly to investigate in good faith crimes against my family, obstructed justice, assaulted, tortured, denied medical attention in a recent request for information request took 30 months to manipulate the information, deny information, pretend some information did not even exist and bald face lie about other information. By statute they have 30 days not 30 MONTHS to disclose.the children were 6,8 and 10 they were thrown in foster homes where one was thrown down a flight of stairs. Their single father (myself) was “detained” and my children seized. The RCMP told bold faced lies to justify their actions but were still found to have violated my rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedom. In the recent Freedom of Information release they again bold face lie in ignoring this even happened. However I do have the judgment and it would also be public record. Of course the RCMP repeatedly investigated themselves and found nothing wrong with their conduct. Having the RCMP investigate themselves is in fact an obvious violation of human rights especially given their record. For the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments to allow this practice to continue is a violation of human rights. Or course they are going to self serving, protect their own and violate Canadians trust. They have been doing this for decades with the governments full knowledge and yet they do nothing to stop the blatant violations of human rights.a RCMP member sexually assaulted my three children, I was threatened with a beating for making such accusation.trial my children aged 7,9,11 were portrayed as “asking” for it by seducing the member particularly the seven year old child was attacked on the stand. I had to physically restrain my 11 year old daughter from putting a beating on the attorney for his heinous, vile actions. Both Crown and the presiding Judge allowed the attack on the children and they all still have issues regarding the attacks on their person and the blame for what happened to them being put on them. are raped by others and the RCMP do no investigation, try to bury the complaint and when other children are raped and my daughter pushes the matter further again nothing happens except the alleged multiple rapist simply moves out of town. A complaint is filed and the RCMP of course find no wrong doing. It is outrageous and a hate crime.of my daughters works for 711. She is robbed multiple times. One assailant holds a knife to the throat of a co-worker and even though he is wearing a mask she recognizes him and identifies him to police. Nothing is done.assailant returns to case the store for another robber but her co-worker that day recognizes the assailant and while they both stare each other down my daughter hides in the back begging for the police to come. No one does. A hate crime. A complaint is filed and the 911 tape somehow gets erased so the RCMP can claim the call was for a unwanted shopper and not a man who violently robbed the store only days earlier back for more. fax the RCMP Superintendent and inform him I can find this individual and he is not picked up I will bring him myself. then is he picked up the next day.try to get WCB to do something about security in the store and get the RCMP to be more responsive. They ignore the situation and nothing changes.daughter is threatened with death after kicking out a prostitute for shop lifting. Her pimp is waiting armed with a handgun waiting for my daughter to leave work. Her boyfriend is called and confronts the armed pimp. The boyfriend is wearing the colours of a motorcycle gang the Renegades and the pimp decides he does not want a war with the Hell Angels and backs off. Next week the pimp guns down a man and kills him in a robbery set up by his prostitute. Only then do the RCMP get involved. They do not protect my daughter, a hate crime.daughter is again robbed and brought down to the RCMP station to identify the robber. The RCMP member a Cst Young seeing my daughter there grabs her from the other members investigating the robbery and parades her around the station as the person who made out a complaint against him. He humiliates and degrades her in front of everyone on duty. Civilians and RCMP members. She is the victim of a crime and the RCMP further victimize her.fax down to the Superintendent and state if this member ever puts his hands on her again or humiliates her for his amusement I will track him down to a public place and pull is pants down and give him a public spanking. This is quietly covered up but again I file another public complaint. Their initial investigation states of course the member does nothing wrong. After years of fighting another investigation out of Vancouver states he did wrong and apologizes but this was a sham and is not contained in the disclosure from the RCMP. It is absolutely disgusting what the RCMP are allowed to do to the public with no accountability whatsoever. It is a hate crime when repeatedly done to a particular group.daughter has had enough and tries to go on stress leave and is denied despite multiple diagnoses for Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Apparently the WCB has a special classification for 711 workers of French decent. They are not eligible for PTSS if they choose to work past the first robbery. Every doctor in the country will tell you the word is POST-TRAUMATIC. The position of WCB is unconscionable and they will fight for years with me over this. The head of WCB security in Vancouver has the audacity to fax me to tell me that not only do I not having any rights to my daughter as she is over 18 and I am to back down. He will take care of her. Given he is former RCMP I have to assume he means since she will not work for 711 she can whore herself to him and his cronies.
I fax down and because French Canadians do not abandon their children under any circumstances regardless of age I tell him the following. Put on a pink tu tu and a pair of high heels as I am coming down to Vancouver to discuss the matter.of course results in one of his cronies phoning my work and literally screaming threats at me and shortly thereafter two large RCMP officers coming to my business to attempt to threaten and get myself to abandon my daughter and he issues with WCB and 711. She was in the end literally begging customers to stay with her until the end of her shift as she worked alone. WCB and 711 would do nothing to ensure her security and demanded she work even though she did not feel safe. No other worker that I know of is forced to work under unsafe conditions except perhaps French Canadian girls in BC. is no illegal to work under such conditions. A young man had to be dragged to death for 20 dollars of gas for that to change. But again a corner stone of worker and human rights is not to be forced to work when it is not safe to do so. WCB position had no basis in law or in medicine it was just a malicious criminal attempt to put her life in mortal danger. A complaint to my MLA Pat Bell was met with “What do you expect from an insurance company”. So not only am I making a complaint against WCB for Human Rights Violations but Pat Bell as well for refusing to ensure my daughters safety when it was clearly and irrefutably in danger from a despicable practice that put 711 profits ahead of human life. And now again the Liberal government in not having a loss of life since the law changed are willing to go back in time to change it back so only one worker is required at night. The stupid panic buttons do not work. My daughter had them and the RCMP do not even respond depending on the worker and NO ONE holds the RCMP accountable. Not WCB or the government that continues to hire them despite their horrendous is robbed and my fire arms are stolen alone with the complete gun cabinet. I know the RCMP do not investigate my complaints and in fact I have an email that went out from a previous RCMP Superintendent to every member in Prince George suggesting they do not listen to any of my complaints especially if I am not directly involved such as my daughters being raped or robbed or humiliated by his staff. To ensure I find out who robbed me I offer a 500 dollar reward. The thiefs own half brother turns him in. I find my gun cabinet at his residence where he keeps a stolen car and his parents pay for to keep him out of the family home as he has been repeatedly in trouble for robbing houses. While I am checking dumpsters in the area to see if he dumped any more of my belongings in them he and an accomplice after threatening to rape and harm my wife both pull out cans of bear mace to disable me so they can do great harm and possibly kill me. I managed to fight them off and they run. They hold some poor girl I believe who had a baby unlawfully as they try and hide from me and the police. They are never charged with any crime against my family, myself and the robbery of my home. My 500 reward was just piss in the wind. Not only did the RCMP not investigate, Crown refused to lay charges. Later saying it is because I am over 6 feet tall. I am 5 9’. The person dumping a large can of bear mace in my face towered over me. Good thing I am a disable veteran trained to fling myself into a hail of bullets and bear mace is something a little less lethal. A veteran trained to move against any force that threatens Canadians freedom, security and human rights. Only to have these rights denied at home repeatedly.
I have couple more pages of human rights abuses by the RCMP against my family, complaints against the city of Prince George for allowing such abuses to go on, the torture, the rape and still giving the RCMP the thumbs up great job award and renewing their contract. The city jailer who is a city employee refused along the RCMP to allow myself access to medical attention after I was assaulted with out resisting by serveral RCMP. Assaulted while being released and refused my medication to prevent a heart attack or stroke under the repeated stress. The jailer repeated denied medical attention or access to my medication along with the RCMP. I had already suffered a heart attack while in custody and they were deliberately trying to cause another to the point of keeping my medication after they were forced to release myself from custody and they never even bothered to show up on court to face me.
We now justify tasering Children in Prince George. Unarmed children. Unarmed children with heart problems. The policy is deemed good otherwise the RCMP would have to use deadly force and shoot them (unarmed children) if they were not able to taser unarmed children. Shirley Bond the Solicitor General and Attorney General accepts such nonsense along with the right of the RCMP to torture and kill adults for their amusement. Had the child died, corrupt coroner would have ruled it was the taser that killed the unarmed child but he must have been an excitable little child and died of excited delirium. Would any sane body give parents the right to use electricity at 50,000 volts to control unruly children. Would they give the right to day cares to arm themselves against the hordes of children packing a pen or pencil and being a menace to society. Of course not. But they allow the RCMP to hire and train officers who cannot handle one unarmed 11 year old boy without resorting to potential lethal consequences. The next child tasered and killed, the RCMP have all the ammunition they need. They will point to the fact the government went along with it is good policy to resort to perhaps deadly force on unarmed children rather then simply shoot them so what is it a problem now and how could they have possibly seen it to a problem in the future given the governments blessing in the first circumstance.
I unfortunately have to file this complaint uncomplete as I am again being forced to court in the AM where I will be subject to further violence. Given my repeated medical trauma at the hands of the court I want this filed in case I do not survive tomorrow. My doctor has ordered that since they have repeatedly ignored medical advice from two different doctors to simply dial 911 while in court and in this way we will have not only his opinion but the emergency doctors opinion. It is not that I am trying to avoid court, I am simply asking to not be singled out and being beaten, strip searched, and sexually assaulted by the sheriff department as a ploy by Crown to reduce my effectiveness in giving full answer and defense. I have simply asked for the hearing to be in the afternoon also when my blood pressure is not at its highest as it is in the morning after being humiliated and degraded by the sheriffs for their amusement and the amusement of the court. It is a hate crime to say it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS why they do what they do. It is a hate crime to allow themselves to justify their conduct in ex parte hearing where I cannot hear the evidence, challenge the evidence and or call my own witness’s their brutality.

City of Prince George


Pat Bell

Attorney General

Solicitor General

Government of Canada

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